This is our system of securities trading applications for investors used on different applications and platforms such as WebTrading, WebMobile, Mobile App, HomeTrading, SMS Trading, Robot, etc.
Enable high-speed processing functions using the latest advanced technology of our partner – Okasan Infomation System (Japan).
- UI/UX: Modern and intuitive interface following the latest trends
- Tracking: Supports tracking all customer behaviors
- Time to Market: Fastest among all mobile technologies
- High security with many forms of authentication such as CA, Smart OTP, SMS OTP, Token, etc.
- Set commands by algorithm (Robot)
- User-based instant alerts
- Support customer behavior tracking
- Modern and intuitive interface in line with the latest trends, customizable by customers
- Provide investment recommendations from our customer service team
- Integration: Integration of business information (FireAnt, Vietstock, etc.)
- Integrate other systems such as Bloomberg or Reuters, etc.
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